About Us
Leading Healthcare Staffing Provider in the UK
About Us
With a proven track record of excellence, we are a highly regarded recruitment provider specializing in matching skilled healthcare professionals with top-tier clients throughout the United Kingdom. Our dedication to providing superior service and exceptional results has earned us multiple awards in the industry. Count on us to connect you with the best opportunities for your healthcare career.
Teat Healthcare Recruitment has been a leading provider of Registered Nurses, Mental Health Nurses, and Support Workers in the UK since 2018. With an extensive database of highly skilled staff, we offer round-the-clock support to both clients and candidates for last-minute cover needs.
Teat Healthcare Recruitment
Your Trusted Partner in Healthcare Staffing
Teat Healthcare Recruitment
At Teat Healthcare Recruitment, we understand the importance of having the right people in your team. That's why we specialize in providing top-notch recruitment services to healthcare organizations across the UK. We have a team of experienced and skilled recruiters who have an in-depth understanding of the healthcare industry and are committed to helping you find the perfect fit for your organization.
Our services are not limited to permanent placements. We also offer temporary staffing solutions to help you meet your short-term staffing needs. Our temporary staffing services provide you with access to a pool of highly skilled healthcare professionals who can seamlessly integrate into your team and provide quality care to your patients.
Providing Qualified Healthcare Personnel
Our recruitment process is tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. We start by understanding your specific requirements and then use our extensive network of healthcare professionals to find the best candidate for the job.
Our rigorous screening process ensures that all candidates are thoroughly vetted, and only the most qualified and experienced individuals make it through to the final selection stage.

Recruitment Process 99%

Employee Relations 99%

Staff Welfare 99%

Our Commitment
Exceptional Customer Service
At Teat Healthcare Recruitment, we pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service. We work closely with our clients throughout the recruitment process and provide regular updates on the progress of their search. Our goal is to make the recruitment process as seamless and stress-free as possible for our clients.
We are committed to building long-lasting relationships with our clients, and we believe that our success is measured by the success of our clients. We are passionate about what we do, and we are dedicated to helping healthcare organizations achieve their goals by providing them with the best talent in the industry.

Trusted, Happy & Satisfied Team Members & Healthcare Agencies